Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Out of Context - Random Conversations

I was talking to Democrat Dog last night...

Yours Truly:
"You ignorant dumbass liberal, we're trying to save America and our Way of Life!"

Democrat Dog:
"You dumbass ignorant conservative, we're trying to save Humanity and The World!"

I guess you're saving the world when you provide entitlements and useless social programs that throw good money after bad...but not when you are trying to build a strong economic base that provides jobs and national revenue, or getting rid of a dictator who committed genocide against his own people, was a threat to the US and all our allies...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"America and our way of life" has brought more people out of poverty and done more to free oppressed people around the world than any other system in history.

The best way to save "humanity and the world" is to for America to be the free market/capitalist society that it was built on.

If socialism is SO great and wonderful, and capitalism is SO evil, then how do you explain why people have flocked TO our shores for more than 100 years. When have you heard of the great masses of people risking their lives to immigrate to the USSR/Russia, China, or even to Europe?

The "poor" in the USA live better than the middle class in France. The people in the USA give more to help people in need around the world than any other country, not just in total, but per-capita.